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Friday, December 17, 2010
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Vinegar's Invasion
Vinegar's Invasion
Still remember my story about Tabasco? Yes, Tabasco's mystery! (taunya ga da yang inget, hhe). There are 2 questions about vinegar there, I was confuse at that time.
i) What is Vinegar?
ii) What is the difference between vinegar and 'cuka'??
"Vinegar is translated as sour wine", said my lecturer. We could say it as 'cuka buah'. Yeah, vinegar is made from any fermentable carbohydrate source like fruits, vegetables, syrups, and wine. Codex said that it's minimal contain of acetic acid is 4 grams per 100 mL, maximum 1 % of alcohol, min 1% of soluble solids, sugar min 0,05%, and NaCl min 0,1%.
Is vinegar='cuka'? NO, Vinegar is NOT diluted acetic acid a.k.a Cuka as many sources translated Vinegar into Cuka (including Kamus 2.03 or google translate, huehe). The main bacteria that involved in producing vinegar commercially are Acetobacter acetii and Gluconobacter oxydans. The reaction initiated by yeasts which is not only break down glucose into ethanol, but also produce carbondioxide gas. After this stage, the ethanol is converted into acetic acid and water by Acetobacter.
Yap, this is what I've consfused at the beginning of this semester. Alhamdulillah, Allahu Ta'ala told me the key of vinegar thru my beloved lecturer. Thanks a lot Ma'am!
Btw, I love bacteria. Hehehw, thanks to bacterias which support me so that I could survive and exist till now, whatever my fools are, whatever my stupidities are. Thank u E.coli, A.xylinum, S.cerevisiae, L.bulgaricus, S. aureus, S.thermophilus, Bifidobacteria, and… who's next? Hmm, for any bacterias who know me and have ever met me, thank u... (halah kok jadi pidato).
HOamh,, I made this in English as a responsibility of taking Advance English class.. hmhm,, Actually it is so useful if u go with it seriously. Especially bcoz the lecturer is sooo advanced! Haha, as she always has a big enthusiasm of teaching us. And we?? Hou students, be alert!
Keep posting, keep CMIIWing!
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gyehehe,,, alhamdulillah posting jugak stelah sebulan ni blog karatenn.....
podho budhe...hehe... *baru ngepost..:D
and also thanks to Thermus thermophilus..
belajar banyak banget dari ektremofil yang satu ini...
oh u're rite sist! Thermus thermophilus! Though i never meet u, Mr.T, big thanx is deliberately delivered to u for ur assistance in exploring the bright world of thermophiles, nice experience of having an extreme-team. lotofthx!
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CMIIW or gimme some infos! Sorry i dont support anonymous.. Tell me sumthin worth please. Thx